128 Awesome October Wellness Bloodwork Specials

Every October, our reference laboratory, Idexx, gives us some fantastic discounts on wellness bloodwork bundles.   It usually included a CBC, some blood chemistries, Heartworm testing for dogs, fecal parasite check, urinalysis, and some extra testing like thyroid and new early detection kidney testing. We get different bundles for dogs and cats, young and old. These are 35-50% off regular prices, and are a great value.

I strongly believe in catching illnesses early so we have better chance to treat and cure diseases in ourselves and pets. Preventative care save so much money in the long run, and improves quality of life.

Last year in October, we picked up several cases of EARLY kidney disease, and several cases of EARLY heart disease. We found thyroid problems in both dogs and cats. Several dogs had asymptomatic urinary infections. Lots of dogs had some elevated liver enzymes. One dog even had leukemia! When we find an abnormality, sometimes there is medicine; sometimes there are more tests to run. Even if everything comes back in the normal range, there is peace of mind knowing all is well.

The bloodwork special is running the entire month October. I call it my “vampire” special because we collect a lot of blood. Plus it is easy to remember with Halloween coming up. If we have seen your pets recently, they don’t have to have an exam to have bloodwork. After we get the results, we will call you. We don’t make you come in to see the doctor(unlike some MDs). Some clients request an email with the results and interpretation, and we can do emails. Please call for an appointment to schedule the blood collection, and ideally bring in a fresh stool & urine sample.

Author: Pamela Henricks

I am a small animal veterinarian practicing in Lewisville Texas, a suburb of Dallas. I have been practicing for 36 years on dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbits and ferrets. I have owned my own practice for 28 years. I am a long time member of Texas Veterinary Academy, and past president.