137 Pet Insurance Update

It is almost that time of year when we must sign up for next year’s health insurance for ourselves and our family. My brain is hurting from all the options, and I don’t like the price of any of it.

Pets can get insurance too. The process is much simpler, and it can be affordable, especially is you start when they are young. For example, I just looked up the monthly premium for my little terrier mix, Sally, who just turned a year old. On Pet Plan, endorsed by the AAHA, based on her size and age and my zip code, she would cost me $20/month. That’s $240/year. That is much less than 1 emergency visit or sick visits with labwork and xrays.

If I were to have a claim, it is an easy 3 steps. First, I seek treatment at any vet I wish and pay them directly. Next, I submit my receipt on my phone app to the insurance company. Lastly, I get reimbursed, usually about 80% of my bill.

All pet insurance covers illnesses, lab work, surgery, emergencies, specialists (no in-network/out of network), but some have exclusions of hereditary diseases, and many won’t cover old dogs or cats.

With the AAHA Pet Plan insurance,
• sick office exams are covered
• dental /oral procedures are covered
• all ages can be insured
• all conditions even chronic and hereditary diseases
• it can’t be cancelled
• alternative treatments are also covered.

I know that health insurance is expensive, but it just takes one trip to the emergency room, and pet insurance could easily pay for itself. I find owners that have pet insurance aren’t worried about the costs because they have peace of mind that they will be reimbursed. They can focus on getting their fur baby medical help to get better.


Author: Pamela Henricks

I am a small animal veterinarian practicing in Lewisville Texas, a suburb of Dallas. I have been practicing for 36 years on dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbits and ferrets. I have owned my own practice for 28 years. I am a long time member of Texas Veterinary Academy, and past president.