115 New Kidney Test

We are now able to run the new kidney function test, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), in house instead of sending it out. The new renal biomarker identifies the onset of kidney disease months or even years earlier than traditional methods. Last year, SMDA was included in our October senior bloodwork special that we sent out to Idexx, our reference laboratory.

In a recent clinical study, Oregon State University researchers showed that SDMA identified disease much earlier in the disease progression, when the kidney had suffered far less damage that results in permanent loss of function—up to four years earlier in at least one animal. Typically, a diagnosis is made when 75% of kidney function has been irreversibly lost, at which point, the prognosis can be poor. However, on average, SDMA detected kidney disease when only 40% of function had been lost and, in some cases, 25% of function.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a leading cause of suffering and death in cats and dogs. In time, one in three cats and one in 10 dogs will develop some form of the disease. Certain risk factors might make pets more likely to develop kidney disease, such as Lyme disease, kidney stones, infections, toxins, injuries, genetic abnormalities, cancer and others. Warning sign might be very subtle like drinking more, urinating more, weight loss, vomiting, and bad breath. Early diagnosis can be a key in identifying the base cause of kidney disease. This provides more time to treat the underlying cause or to slow progression of the disease. It may also help your pet feel well for as long as possible.

Until today, kidney disease has been routinely diagnosed in part by measuring blood creatinine. However, creatinine alone cannot detect kidney disease until late in the disease process, limiting the opportunity to extend the life of the pet through treatment options. This new SDMA kidney test may help us to identify chronic kidney disease in cats and dogs months or even years earlier than before.

For more information, pethealthnetwork.com