57 May the Fourth Be With You

I am having so much fun looking at pictures of dogs dressed up in Star Wars costumes that I just had to share some. Here are some links. “Do or do not. There is no try.”
http://www.pawsforreaction.com/photos-may-the-4th.html#sthash.zfobdfgv.dpbs. ( I especially love the Whippet At-At)
And a short video with Dachshunds- https://www.thesmoothestore.com/blogs/dachshund-blog/123176259-may-the-4th-be-with-you-wiener-dog-style
There is a lot of Star War hype every May 4, but this year we also have the new Disney Han Solo origin movie coming out later this month. With so many classic and new series running, it is a great time to be a fan. My own granddaughter had her infant pictures made with Leia “buns” on a stocking cap, sleeping next to a Wookie & R2Dw, and is too cute for words.
Also, the annual Star Wars movies marathon with be on TBS Friday, May 4, starting at 2:30 am, till 11 pm. All 8 movies, not the spin offs. Some will repeat on Sat, May 5. “It’s a trap”, but “let the Wookie win”. And “the Force will be with you always.”